Missed the free sobriety masterclass?

Watch it here:


Half of 2023 is gone and you’re still fighting yourself with this alcohol thing, huh?


I have one question for you:

What would you be doing with your life if you weren't wasting so much time and energy on drinking (or trying not to drink)?‌



There's a part of you that wants to get sober...but you can't seem to do it. Now what?

I know the dance well. You can't imagine your life without the drink...but you also KNOW you can't continue drinking.

Being of two minds is hard. Being stuck is hard. Loving and hating alcohol all at once is hard.

But you know what's harder? Knowing everything you've tried so far was probably the wrong approach to quitting drinking and would never work.

The good news?

I developed a 3-week workshop to share with you everything I've learned in 14 years of this recovery journey:

How to get started; the do's and don'ts of early sobriety; the mindset needed to thrive; the way your decision "sticks"; how to prioritize yourself; how to quit drinking without focusing on alcohol; and...the most important one: How to create a life you love in sobriety (for real, no b.s.)

I want you to join me and change your life.

Keep reading.



Pamela's availability, warmth, honesty, sense of humor, and no-nonsense practicality is like having a sassy, no-holds-barred sister who is also an unfailing accountability partner and your biggest cheerleader. 

Most importantly, Pamela understands the holistic context of making any life change.  She recognizes eliminating toxic or limiting behavior is not an end but a means to building a life and  lifestyle in which you naturally rock the hell out of your highest potential.

 — Leanna (coaching client)

Like what you see? Here are the dates:


Each session will last 1 to 1.5 hours.

Sessions will be held at 6 pm CDT / 7 pm EST / 4 pm PST via zoom (link will be shared with students).

  • Monday, November 6th at 6 PM CT
  • Wednesday, November 8th at 6 PM CT
  • Monday, November 13th at 6 PM CT
  • Wednesday, November 15th at 6 PM CT
  • Monday, November 20th at 6 PM CT
  • Wednesday, November 22nd at 6 PM CT


Mark your calendars and join us for this transformational journey toward sobriety and freedom.


What's included:

  • 6-8 hours of live teaching

  • Recorded sessions

  • Direct email // WhatsApp communication with your teacher for the duration of this course

  • The downloadable workbook for the workshop

  • At the end of this course, you will have a defined path of action -  your own.


Invest in yourself:


The total cost of the program is $897, conveniently broken down into three easy investments of $299 each.

(In case your brain is quibbling: Think of all the money you're saving on alcohol, wasted time, health bills, and perhaps even rehab one day. What's priceless? Trusting yourself again. Not feeling shame any longer. Improving your relationships. And, of course, the freedom and joy you'll bring into your life...finally)



About your teacher:

Pamela Devenport, Certified Recovery Coach

Instagram @mybadassrecovery

Watch on YouTube @mybadassrecovery

My Badass Recovery Podcast here

Pamela is a Certified Life Coach, Recovery Coach, and SHE RECOVERS Coach. But more importantly, she's a human in recovery from alcohol addiction.

For decades, she used wine as a way to self-medicate. Eventually, she quit through the 12-Steps, but after five years of lackluster sobriety, she fell into a painful, 2-year relapse.

Getting sober again, Pamela knew “just sobriety” wouldn’t be enough, so she embarked on a journey to find the radical honesty and integrity that she'd been missing.

The result? Pamela founded My Badass Recovery in 2017 - a no-bullsh*t online platform that looks at recovery in a new way.

Through online courses, mentorship and coaching, she teaches people how to drop the shame, start a powerful sobriety, and (truly) love the “new version” of themselves. 

Unapologetic. Empowered. Shame-free.

Recovery is Pamela's personal revolution.

Her mission is to help you claim your own. 

Pamela's Website

"Pamela brought me from victimhood to ownership. From feeling alone, broken and hopeless, to feeling supported, encouraged, and lifted.

My transformation and journey has begun. One day at a time. I'm a frickin' badass and it's time to show the world."

— Lori (course student)

Things we'll explore together.

  • Why the decision to quit is the wrong decision (shocker)!
  • How to approach the beginning, middle and end of this process.
  • How to drop the shame and get "back home" to your heart.
  • How to treat your recovery like the "journey" of your life
  • How to set boundaries with everyone around you and focus on yourself.
  • How to shift the mindset that keeps throwing you back to square one.
  • How to stop thinking about alcohol every waking moment
  • How to do "life" in sobriety
  • The THREE KEYS to a sobriety that lasts: a path of action

Your life is waiting.


They say recovery is for those who want it - beyond just for those who need it. 

This means that no matter how much evidence and inspiration we're presented with, we are the only ones who can decide to change our lives. We are the ones who need to get so tired of our pain and our excuses that we take a leap of faith. Nobody can do it for us.

So if you're still on the fence about signing up for this workshop, ask yourself: What are you waiting for? How many more wasted nights and mornings? How much more pain are you willing to take? When will you claim your freedom and start truly living ?

Only you can change your life.