I'm Pamela

  • I'M 49 YEARS OLD, 5.2" TALL.

Those are facts, and I take pride in them. It took me a long time to understand that being different was beautiful. Yes, that includes the fact that I can't drink like other people (I can't drink moderately) - and that being sober is the only option for me. 

I love my sobriety. That's not lip service. I am madly in love with who I am without drinking.

Sobriety is my superpower.

I'm here to help you find your superpower, too. To help you step out of the little box you've built for yourself and discover the YOU that's confident, present, and owning your "badassery." Are you ready?

Pictured here: my no-makeup, salty-skinned, Topo-Chico-loving self. Joyful and free AF. 

My story

The first question is not: "Why the addiction?" but "Why the pain?" - Gabor Maté

My life is straight from a movie script. I had a magical childhood in Mexico followed by college studies in Paris, France. Upon my return to Mexico at age 20, I was kidnapped by Federales (a.k.a. Mexico´s own police force). Life changed with that little plot twist.

To survive the trauma, my family fled to the United States. I pretended to be fine, but I wasn't. Daily nightmares kept me awake, and I discovered wine helped me tap out. My love affair with Cabernet began then. While drinking "worked" for many years, by age 35, it was wrecking my life.

In 2009, I was finally able to quit.

But sobriety felt more like punishment than joy.

Since my focus was just on not drinking, I didn't heal the real pain beneath why I drank in the first place - the trauma and raging codependency. Sober, yes. But I had toxic relationships with everyone around me, and it was incredibly painful.

After five years sober (and miserable), I relapsed.

Shame kept me stuck in my relapse for two whole years. I lost my marriage, my self-trust, and my sense of self.

In 2017, I found my way back to sobriety. I knew that "just not drinking" wouldn't cut it this time. 

I took a deep dive, using my intuition to discover something new. I ditched my shame and anonymity and went against the grain of everything I'd been taught.

I decided to bet on myself.

I became certified as a Professional Recovery Coach, Life Coach, and SHE RECOVERS Coach (CPRC, CLC, SRPD.)


In 2018, I founded the recovery platform My Badass Recovery. Within its contentI proposed a new approach: sobriety as a personal revolution. Beyond abstinence and meetings, sobriety as a radical invitation to redesign our lives, unapologetically.


I invite you to travel this road with me - wherever you are on the journey. You shouldn't wait until things get darker to take your first steps. Whether you want to quit for a while or for good, the time to begin your revolution is now.

Want Mentorship? Book a free clarity session



Truth? You have to get sober for your own self.

But finding your WHY is the fuel for your mind and soul.

I got sober so I could be present for my son. So I could feel proud of myself as his mom. So I could teach him that we can't run away from our feelings; we have to face them. So I could trust myself to care for him and be present, no matter what.

What is your Why?

Find YOUR WHY with the "Unapologetically Sober" journal

My Badass Recovery

I decided to name my platform what has turned out to be a controversial name. A student in one of my retreats recently told me, "Woah. You are deep, eloquent, and insightful. Not the angry and edgy woman I expected to meet based on your brand." I've also had mentors and friends question the term. But I smile and carry on, doing my thing. 


Because I think of my soul as badass. I think of YOUR soul as badass, too.

If you are like me, and addiction is part of your life - we are the same. We belong to the same wreckage - and we are survivors. We are not for the faint of heart. We are strong and badass AF. I know you feel me.


Being a badass is a soul vibe. It's about embracing who you are - with tenderness, responsibility, and grace. It's about owning your journey fully - and unapologetically. So let's keep being badasses together, shall we?

I'm ready for a NEW, SOBER, BADASS ME

Watch the SHE RECOVERS Miami 2023 presentation 

NO MORE "CALLADITA": Recovering the Power of Your Story 


Have you watched the SOBRIETY MINDSHIFT masterclass?

It's the best first step to take.

Enroll here at no cost - my gift to you.