Picture this:
it’s December 31st. You’re standing in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing your teeth. The party is over, the glasses have been emptied, and it’s just you now—you and that reflection staring back. The dark circles under your eyes. The bloat that no...
I will begin with a story that is unfolding in front of my very eyes as I type. It’s July 3rd, Independence Day weekend, and people are ready to celebrate.
I stop as I type...
When I started my recovery journey in 2009, I thought sobriety was only about “not drinking.” I had no idea sobriety would become the avenue through which I would become human again, and find the way back “home” to my own heart.
In the depths of my...
Relapse is one of my favorite subjects because I lived in it for two long years. After five years of sobriety, I found myself chugging warm chardonnay in a parking lot.
Relapse brought me shame. Shame brought me more relapse.
I would drink, feel like a failure (both the world...
Perhaps understanding how addiction hijacks your mind has given you clarity on why willpower will never be enough to get you sober for good. But perhaps it also made you feel a bit hopeless.
I invite you to feel hopeful. Why? Because now you know what the problem is, and this...
Our mind is our own personal operating system. It’s the “command center” which has the programs that run our life. Our mind’s programs are supposed to protect us from harm, to keep us surviving and thriving.
But then.
Addiction arrives...
We don’t talk enough about all the feelings that happen in early sobriety.
I've talked about committing to The Deep Yes, taking a first step, and understanding the elements of "The Work" of recovery (A Program, A Toolkit, A Community). I've also talked a lot about...
I’ve talked about making a deep, personal commitment to a new life with “The Deep Yes.” I’ve discussed the importance of following the decision we take with immediate action.
You’ve made the commitment to make a change. Now, the game’s on....
After your “Deep Yes” then the “What Next?” moment, it’s about ACTION.
Recovery is - and always will be - a verb. I used to think that once I made the decision to quit drinking, my life would magically change. I can now see that part of why I failed at...
“What next?” is where good intentions come to die.
“What next?” is where most of us who struggle with addiction get stuck. Addiction robs us of the power to do “Next.” We make grand decisions in our heads to finally make a change.
I often get questions about what I do and why someone would want a recovery coach when programs like AA are free. My job is to complement a program of recovery, adding a whole new layer on top of your sponsor—something more high level.
An important note here: I am a child of AA. I’ve...